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50,000 WEBSITE HITS – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


Getting the new MKDSA website launched was a huge venture and a massive learning curve for many of us. Few of us had much of an idea about building websites, never mind providing the material to put out there, and keeping it ticking over.

But we are very pleased to say……and this may be tempting fate…. everything is going well, and over the weekend we topped an incredible 50,000 views since the launch date at the start of the season, and those coming from all around the UK and the World.

We have run a number of features, some have worked really well, some not so good, with the Trash Talk, The Floor is Yours, and our Match Reports & Previews doing about the best. We’ve also had great numbers when we had a chat with the gaffer, and we hope to get more along that sort of a theme soon, so watch out for those. We did have a number of other ideas for features, but sadly Covid put paid to those, but once we can get back into the stadium, we hope to launch them, fingers crossed that’s the start of next season.

Until then if you have any ideas for something new then drop us a quick email to mediamkdsa@yahoo.com and let us know your idea.

Finally we would like to thank not only you the fans for dropping in by day by day, but those that have contributed to the site by chasing up and writing articles, doing the research, and keeping the site maintained.

Thank You, and here’s to the next 50,000.

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