Luke was away, so ratings covered by J Harries
Craig MACGIVILLRY. 6. Kicked longer than normal all game with varied success. Could do nothing about the goal and apart from a moment in the first half where he decided to be sweeper keeper and got it wrong he was solid enough. Noticeable he pushed nothing back into danger.
Cameron Norman 6. Back to more like himself today. Some great deliveries into the box and was competitive against an impressive Amari Patrick. Would like to see more purposeful runs forward.
Warren O’Hora 6. Solid reliable yet still feel he’s not at his optimum best. Just feel there is something missing. I touted him as potentially the best defender in L2 in pre season. Starting to doubt myself now.
Anthony Stewart 7. Very solid performance against the height of Smith and the Sutton Globetrotters. Competed for every ball, organised. This was a measured performance.
Dean Lewington 6. The captain is back (yes I know Gilbey was but Skip was back). Its like he’d never been away. Disciplined, determined, demanding. Some of his passes were a bit wayward but that’s to be expected. Much like the 10 others on the pitch, much more to come.
Joe Tomlinson 7. Liked what I saw from him competitive, assisted the goal for Gilbey and was always available for the ball. Defensively didn’t shirk his responsibility and admitted post match there’s much more to come.
Mj Williams 6. Boy have we missed him. Game passed him by with the head tennis on display at Gander Green Lane. When he had the opportunity he played his simple game breaking up play and setting up attacks. Booked.
Alex Gilbey 8 Top Don….. What a player. Drive determination, resilience. Scored a beauty to equalise and should have scored late on just stretching too much. The driving force in our side. His standards never slip.
Jack Payne. 7.5. When the ball was on the deck it was like watching a L2 Joe Cole. Skill, guile, drive. One of these players that excites you on the ball. And he’s got the side to the game that players like that rarely have. Work rate. I cannot wait until he’s up full match fitness.
Ellis Harrison. 5. Not his day today. Although he battled hard it reaped very little reward, often winning flicks on that either no one gambled on or went the opposite way. I’m willing to give him a bit more time as I know he’s a level above but needs to get a goal.
Mo Eisa 4. Didn’t get much chance to showcase his ability. Warned early by the ref for being “over physical” several times but did put one delicious ball in for Gilbey towards the end of the game. If only it had been the other way around
Team performance 5.5. Truly awful first half. Head tennis at best which made Sutton look good. Was no intention to try and play the ball on the floor and although there was a marked improvement in the second half, simply put we are so much better than that. We have players that on their day should be playing other teams off the park, I understand sometimes you have to win ugly but also you have to force your identity on the opposition. We didn’t do that often enough for me today and that’s concerning. Also leaving the changes so late. Why? Part of the reasons Dean and Leko didn’t get a rating is due to only being on the pitch for 10 minutes……….. Baffling. Alexander didn’t cover himself in glory there and can understand fans post match frustration. But please. Let’s stick together. 9 games into the season. Plenty of time to turn it around. But things must improve.
Luke returns next week to rate the players against Harrogate.