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City of The Knife Angel – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

City of The Knife Angel

By The MKDSA Media Team

The City of Milton Keynes is the proud host of The Knife Angel during December. Sadly its here but it serves as a great conversation starter AND thought provoking piece of art.

The MK Dons are hosting the monument officially called The National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, which arrived at the home of MK Dons on Thursday.

It’s a 27ft sculpture, made up of around from 100,000 blades taken from weapons collected in various knife amnesty schemes during police operations across the country.

While the media team were taking its photos there was an official gathering to launch the month, made up from MK Dons, The Police and various dignitaries and the families of those caught up in knife crime.

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