By The MKDSA Media Team
The MKDSA receievd a email from Ask for Clive, we found it very thought provoking and the MKDSA will be supporting this iniative, we are very happy to stand up to any form of discrimination.
Football, we believe, is for EVERYONE.
Dear Mr Chairman:
I have recently started volunteering with an amazing charity called Ask For Clive. Ask for Clive was founded in response to an increase in discriminatory behavior toward the LGBTQ+ community in and around licensed premises. Their (and my) mission is to create welcome spaces for the LGBTQ+ community and make discrimination unacceptable.
Many of us have thought long and hard about what to do for the World Cup… Do we watch it? Do we cancel it?
If we do, wouldn’t that be FIFA cancelling us by selecting a host nation that has discriminatory laws and practices? So, we ask what right they have to alienate LGBTQ+ fans both here and across the world?
On Monday 14th November, Ask for Clive will be launching the #OursToo campaign.

Ours Too is about reclaiming the World Cup and sending a message that FIFA and governing bodies need to listen to their communities, and no longer put fans in a situation where they fear discrimination or even oppression and can be themselves wherever the game may be played.
Ask For Clive have support from major partners who will be named in their press release including the NTIA, Punch, Watford FC and GigRealm, many more are expected to join in the coming days.
I know that the Dons pride themselves in being an inclusive club and that Satdium:MK should be a welcoming and inclusive arena for all.
I have today written to Mr Pete Winkelman asking that the Dons get behind this campaign and I would very much like to rely on your support too.
So, are you in? Let’s reclaim it, let’s make it the celebration we deserve.
With warm regards,
Wes Auvache (he/him) OBE Lisa Auvache (she/her) MCIPD