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Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Testing Event – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.
MK Prostate Cancer Support at Family Fun Day

Milton Keynes Prostate Cancer Testing Event

By MKDSA EDI Officer Amanda Lansbury

It may seem a bit weird to some to have a prostate cancer support group to attend a Family Fun Day but yesterday awareness of a special event taking place in November was created with ease.

The MKDSA would encourage as many men as possible to take advantage of the deal as possible, simply follow the link at the bottom, register and book a test.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting the UK male population; one in eight people will get it.

The number of men diagnosed is increasing, but public awareness of the condition is low. Early diagnosis is important to get the right treatment.

Black males have a three times higher risk of getting prostate cancer than white males of the same age, but the risk for Asian males is lower.

Joanne from MK Prostate Cancer Support, speaking at the recent MK Dons Family Fun Day said ” the test is now much less intrusive than it used to be” “Its now a simple finger prick test taking a very small amount of blood. “

Currently there are around 80 test slots available, the MKDSA would encourage men looking to take advantage of this subsidised event and book as soon as possible. More slots can be laid on if demand is there so not much chance of you missing out but please book early.

The appointment booking page experienced a few gliches over the weekend they have all been resolved, (Editor – I’ve managed to book ok this morning)

There is a small fee of TEN POUNDS to pay for the test, the event is being subsidised to the tune of 50%, which is brilliant.

WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE FOR NOT BOOKING A TEST ? Your friends and family will thank you for doing one …guaranteed.

Book your appointment here https://mkpcs.mypsatests.org.uk/

This event is being supported by


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