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MONDAY NIGHT LIVE CHELTENHAM TOWN – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


We’re back on Monday night at 7pm as we are for every game until the end of the season with our regular hosts of Derren, Franco, Aiden, and Colin, and they will be joined by well known fan and MKDSA Vice Chairman John Samuel.

They will be discussing the recent victory over league leaders Rotherham United, and the game ahead verses Cheltenham Town on Tuesday night at SMK. We will also be talking about “DOUBLE JEOPARDY” and hoping to shed some light on that and asking should Harvie have been given his marching orders.

We will also be asking is the Aesseal Stadium bloody dangerous and can it really be safe to have such small steps to the top of the stand.

With 10 games to go the panel will also be discussing the POTY so far, and who has really stepped up to the plate in the last few weeks.

Franco again will probably be talking rubbish, but you never know it could be something interesting. Derren hopefully won’t be fishing anywhere, and Colin will just be loud as normal, and Aiden will be trying not to say, “I told you so”.

You can get involved by commenting or asking questions via all the social media channels and we will be monitoring those throughout the show….so get involved…if you don’t Colin might have to do another rubbish quiz.

We hope you can join us on MONDAY night from 7pm on all the Facebook pages.

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