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DONNY & MOOIE TROPHY LEYTON ORIENT – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


Midweek, Pizza Cup, no problem for our intrepid undercover reporter Groundhopper, who travelled by train to check out the facilities at Brisbane Road.

CategoryScore Comments
First Impressions of the stadium, parking, ease of entry.6Located within a residential area there’s no option to park near the Breyer Group Stadium and so we took a rare trip on the train. The ground is about a quarter of a mile from Leyton tube station. Overall, a more challenging journey for the less ambulant supporter.
Food & Drink, range, quality, price.9There was a variety of food available that you don’t usually see at a football ground including chilli cheese hotdogs, nachos with cheese & salsa, pie mash and liquor. Alcohol was also available and all reasonably priced. Considering the anticipated attendance, the range and quality was exceptional.
View from your seat, any poles in the way, obstructed view, seat broken?8We were in one side of the east stand which is the oldest part of the ground with wooden floors. The view of the pitch was partially obscured by the two pillars at either end of the stand.
Home team support, was it a library, good banter between the fans?5As this was a Papa John’s trophy fixture the attendance wasn’t going to be great. Home fans were in two of the remaining stands. They weren’t particularly noisy, but some banter was exchanged. There were officially 1320 in attendance.
What were the stewards like, helpful and friendly or jobsworths?9The stewards were friendly, engaging, and helpful. They were swift to assist and check on the welfare of a supporter who took a tumble over a poorly placed step
Toilet facilities, clean and well equipped with hot water, disgusting.6The toilet facilities are dated and best avoided although there was hot water.
Ticket pricing, did the price reflect the facilities of the ground?9An adult ticket was £5 which was a reasonable price for this competition.
Ground facilities, half time service, did they let fans outside at halftime?6The facilities were limited and the concourse area quite small and busy at half-time. Fans weren’t allowed out to smoke at half-time.
Match atmosphere, did the Dons fans give good support?7Considering this was a fixture many would choose not to attend the Dons fans were surprisingly vocal.
Ease of exit, did the carpark clear quickly, traffic around the stadium?9Exit from the ground was easy and the walk to the tube station trouble free under the watchful eye of the Metropolitan Police escort.
Any other observations or comments that may have affected your scoring?
Name – GroundhopperTotal Score out of 100   74/100
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