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Pyrotechnic Workshop – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

Pyrotechnic Workshop

By the MKDSA Media Team

Recently several of the MKDSA Committee attended a zoom workshop on Pyrotechnics at Football which was hosted by Bob Eastwood from the EFL.

The workshop was delivered by Dr Tom Smith who produced a report on pyrotechnics in stadia for UEFA and fully supported by the EFL and the FSA. Pyrotechnics in Stadia: Health and Safety issues relating to the use of pyrotechnics (uefa.com)

It was a very interesting presentation that raised awareness of the various classes of pyrotechnics and the misconceptions many fans have about them. Dr Tom is an explosives boffin who is one of the leading experts in the pyrotechnic field.

The main facts put across are pyros ARE explosives, they burn at up to 2000c and they are “self sustaining”, which means you can put them in water and even bury them in sand in a bucket and they will continue to burn. The only safe way to deal with them is to leave them to burn out, keepingwell back. There is no safe extinguishing method.

People’s lives are at risk, panic can insue when a pyro is used, the smoke can be distressing, it can choke and player and stewards are in danger.

Pyrotechinc devises ARE ILLEGAL for a reason.

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