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MKDSA COMMITTEE – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.



The following persons have all been checked, verified, and proposed and seconded in accordance with the MKDSA Constitution and will stand as the MKDSA Committee for the calendar year of office. As there are no persons wishing to be elected to the same role there will be no need for votes to be taken on the night, or proxy votes registered.

The persons listed below will take office following the AGM.


Aiden GRAY

Thank you for taking the time to consider me for the role of Chair for the MKDSA.  

Serving on the committee in my time as Vice Chair, Treasurer & Spokesperson has been a privilege that I have enjoyed giving my time to on behalf of our wonderful fans & membership.  

After a great deal of thought & reflection I am keen to continue this journey, we as a committee took on & further the brilliant work already brought to fruition by continuing to develop & expand on the ideas & input both across the committee, membership & fanbase.  

My time with the committee has seen us through some of the most difficult periods of our club’s history with the pandemic & gave me an insight into the wider world of football, our supporters and helping to forge links across both the club, community & the diversity within our fanbase.  

It is with this & my passion for our club I wish to help expand our vision working to help bring people together from across local business & our community & engage in a broader reach incorporating more gender representation & diversity as well as working closely with our club in how we can make sure the MKDSA can champion more outreach & be the link for all aspects to have a voice, by supporting the growth of BAME, LGBTQIA+ community into the MKDSA family with the support of our wonderful committee members.  Thank you. 

Nominated by Louise WALSH

Seconded by Jeff NEWALL



I wish to stand again for the position of Vice Chair on the MKDSA committee at the forthcoming AGM.

Nominated by Jackie BURR

Seconded by Jeff NEWALL


Louise WALSH

I’m the current secretary of the MKDSA and would like to stand again for the position which I’ve held since 2019. 

Nominated by Aiden GRAY

Seconded by Harry WALSH



I have been a season ticket holder since the stadium opened and attended most Away games since 2010.

I am standing as Treasurer on the basis of much relevant experience.  Having graduated with a Degree in Industrial Economics, I spent 10 years in Banking, most of the time specialising in International Trade. 

In more recent times, as a volunteer I have co-ordinated the fundraising effort for and project-managed the delivery of a £70K building project in MK. 

Since the summer of 2021, I have been the Finance Volunteer (Treasurer) of the MK group of a national charity.  This role has included:-

  • working as part of a Co-ordinating Team to make key financial decisions
  • drawing up and management of budgets
  • monthly reporting
  • annual reporting at both local and national levels
  • day-to-day management of income and expenditure
  • being a signatory on a bank account of £60K+.

Nominated by Aiden GRAY

Seconded by Louise WALSH


James REES
I’m the current archivist and shopkeeper in Lewington’s Bar. I would like to stand again.

Nominated by Colin Butler

Seconded by Louise Walsh



Between us we have over 100 years lived experiences of physical, sensory and hidden disabilities and it seems as many years of challenging disability discrimination. We have been season ticket holders since the stadium opened and since 2010 we have gone to almost every Dons away game, travelling in the accessible mini bus that is part of the official away travel. We are passionate that all disabled fans should be able to go to footy without hassle, something that sadly all too often does not happen and are 100% committed to doing all we can to bring this about, for both home and away fans at Stadium MK and at away grounds which Dons fans visit. We are active members of Level Playing Field, the national charity that represents disabled sports fans and through this, are able to get ideas and support from our contemporaries at other Clubs. That said, we are relatively new to this role and it was difficult to do it justice when we shielded at home until earlier this year. Whilst we may not always succeed in bringing about the changes people would like, particularly where there is a financial cost, we will always be committed to trying out best, often quietly chipping away at things over time. We can only do this on matters we are aware of, so we need everyone to let us know when something is not right.

Nominated by Steve MANNING

Seconded by David KENT



I’m Steve, 

I have been involved in running Supporters Club’s over many years, having been a founding committee member of the MKDSA and supporters club secretary for the MK Thunder IHC in 2019.

I have previously held the position of Junior Dons officer co-organising children’s Christmas parties for the members, and competitions etc. I have also been Entertainments Officer organising discos, race nights, quiz nights and other fundraising initiatives for the MKDSA.

I feel that I can help contribute to the growth of the MKDSA going forwards, into the future.

Proposed by Ollie Welch

Seconded by Mags Shulver


Alfie BURR

I’d like to stand for a general committee member, but being able to help out with the social media accounts. I already help out with the Twitter and can just help out with the accounts when needed. 

Nominated by Derren BURR

Seconded by Jackie BURR

Jackie BURR

I have made the decision to resign as membership secretary but would like to stay on as a committee member, I am more than happy to carry on helping out where I am able to.

Nominated by James REES

Seconded by Colin BUTLER 


I would like to put myself forward as a committee member of the MKDSA. My name is Mr Arthur Harris I’ve been a season ticket holder since the club move to Milton Keynes.

Nominated by John Samuel

Seconded by James Rees

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