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DONNY & MOOIE TROPHY IPSWICH – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


Bolton remain at the top of the table, with Ipswich Town falling well short of the early leaders.

CategoryScore Comments
First Impressions of the stadium, parking, ease of entry.4See comments below.
Food & Drink, range, quality, price.7Good range of food and drink, a little highly priced but it’s becoming the norm these days
View from your seat, any poles in the way, obstructed view, seat broken?6One broken seat in our area, roof pillars obstructed the view for those wanting to sit at the back.
Home team support, was it a library, good banter between the fans?6The Ipswich fans did make some noise, but they weren’t passionately behind their team considering their numbers. There was some banter but mainly coming from the MK fans.
What were the stewards like, helpful and friendly or jobsworths?7My main interaction was outside the ground where I found them polite and pleasant. It was clear that they hadn’t been fully briefed about the mask situation. 
Toilet facilities, clean and well equipped with hot water, disgusting.7They were clean and well maintained. Only two cubicles in each of the ladies.
Ticket pricing, did the price reflect the facilities of the ground?5£27 for an adult is too much at this level.
Ground facilities, half time service, did they let fans outside at halftime?5No half time entertainment. I understand that fans weren’t allowed outside for a smoke.
Match atmosphere, did the Dons fans give good support?8Ipswich don’t allow away support to bring in a drum, but they had their own. The Don’s support was excellent throughout.
Ease of exit, did the carpark clear quickly, traffic around the stadium?7There were the usual queues to leave the car parks. Once clear our journey home was relatively swift.  
Any other observations or comments that may have affected your scoring? Our journey was relatively uneventful with minimal delays. We had a ten-minute walk from the coach park to the ground. We had been informed that proof of double COVID vaccination or a negative lateral was a requirement of entry to the ground. Ipswich had provided a 9-page guide for away fans. Although tickets had an allotted entry time printed on them stewards were happy to allow fans in without adhering to their time. Many supporters were already in the ground when we were informed by a steward that he had now been told that masks must be worn to enter the stadium. Many fans had to head off to find somewhere to purchase a mask. I understand that this policy subsequently changed again with fans allowed in mask less.
Name – GroundhopperTotal Score out of 100   62/100
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