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Donny and Mooie Trophy Morecambe – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

Donny and Mooie Trophy Morecambe

Last away trip of 2023 and it was to the Mazuma Stadium in Morcambe Lancashire for Groundhopper and chums. 53 hardy souls on the Official Transport to see some history being made.

CategoryScore Comments
First Impressions of the stadium, parking, ease of entry. 5The Mazuma does look quite nice on the approach as you only see the main stand. Parking quite easy and reasonably close to our turnstiles but £25 !!!
Food & Drink, range, quality, price. 5Limited range of hot food that ran out of some options way before kick-off. Price wasnt too bad the pies were decent although the hot dogs were described as bloomin rank by one family.
View from your seat, any poles in the way, obstructed view, seat broken? 6Tucked away in the corner of the main stand level with the penalty area. Seats were plastic, the legroom was good. View unobstructed unless you were in the top row right by the stairs.
Home team support, was it a library, good banter between the fans? 4Decent noise at times from a few home supporters …only rare attempts at engaging with us.
What were the stewards like, helpful and friendly or jobsworths? 5One really edgy steward who was continually asking people to move from the exit/entrance to the food kiosk, the rest were not noticed and had a quiet afternoon
Toilet facilities, clean and well equipped with hot water, disgusting. 1Mixed results here with the disability toilets rated as utterly disgusting and they may live to regret that when the DLO puts in her report, the gents was also “rather basic.”
Ticket pricing, did the price reflect the facilities of the ground? 5Price for an adult ticket was fair for the ahem basic facilities.
Ground facilities, half time service, did they let fans outside at halftime? 6Basic and does a job, service was good, very pleasant servers with a good sense of humour. Yes smoking area outside at ht
Match atmosphere, did the Dons fans give good support? 6A decent effort from the 183* who witnessed Lewi achieve 770 league appearances (*53 of these on the official coach)
Ease of exit, did the carpark clear quickly, traffic around the stadium? 7Once out of the parking space it didnt take too long to get out of town
Any other observations or comments that may have affected your scoring?
Name – GroundhopperTotal Score out of 10050 /100
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