By Jo and Jeff Newall, Disability Officers MKDSA
24 February to 10 March is this year’s Level Playing Field’s Unite for Access Campaign. The focus of this year’s campaign is raising awareness of invisible disabilities which accounts for up to 70% of disabled people.
There will be a range of special activities at today’s match to mark this Campaign, including our very own Disability Officer, Jeff Newall, who will be interviewing Martin Thorpe pitchside at 2.30 pm about his unique contribution to disabled fans attending Stadium MK. Jeff will then be appearing on the MKDSA show on Monday evening to talk more about his own unique way of “watching the Dons”.
LPF’s 2024 Unite for Access video will be shown on the big screens at half time, it is really worth watching. If you want an early watch or miss it at half time, here is the link to it.
This includes links to the sub-titled and audio described versions.
Enjoy the game.