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Accessibility at Swindon – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

Accessibility at Swindon

Information is available at https://www.swindontownfc.co.uk/fans/

Car Parking Blue Badge parking spaces available for away fans. You can book these by emailing reception@swindontownfc.co.uk

Official Away Coach Travel
Wheelchair accessible travel leaves Stadium MK at 11 am. £21 per person. At the time of writing, there are wheelchair spaces available, but you need to book asap or email travelmkdsa@gmail.com to reserve, as depending on numbers, these spaces may be withdrawn nearer to the match day. No need to wait til you have purchased your match ticket to book travel. Book at https://www.tickettailor.com/events/mkdsa or in Lewington’s Bar on Saturday.

Seating Provisions
The away end entrance is in a straight line from the vehicle entrance as far as you can go down the left-hand side of the stadium. There is, as we recall from previous visits, flat access seating, pitch level at the front of the away stand. Away wheelchair users are in the away end, in a “bus shelter” construction to the right of the away stand in front of the large gates through which they enter. Good size but companions need be careful not to hit their heads on the metal supports when the Dons score! (Jeff says it hurts!)

Accessible Toilet
Close to the “bus shelter”!

Audio Described Match Commentary Available. To book email reception@swindontownfc.co.uk

The away fans bar is wheelchair accessible but the area serving refreshments under the away stand, unless it has changed, is not.

Disability Access Officer
If you require further info about accessibility at the County Ground please contact James Watts James@swindontownfc.co.uk tel 0330 002 1879.

If we can be of any further help in respect of visiting Swindon or accessibility issues in general, please do contact us at disabilitymkdsa@gmail.com

Happy travels. See you there.

Jo & Jeff
Disability Officers, MKDSA

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