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Accessibility Guide to Accrington Stanley – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

Accessibility Guide to Accrington Stanley

Access Guide to Accrington Stanley

New, relatively small away stand with good provisions for all.  Be warned though, it is cold there, even in summer! Detailed guide for away fans at:-   https://www.accringtonstanley.co.uk/contentassets/5cac3510b7c84ed3a4746f68be6dd631/visiting-supporters.pdf

Car Parking

Two Blue Badge spaces at the ground for away fans.   £5   Must be pre-booked by ringing 01254 356950.     Details of general parking in the guide above.  

Provisions for Wheelchair/Scooter Users

Tickets available to buy from the MK Dons Box Office.    Spaces on an accessible minibus that is part of the Club’s Official Away Travel, are also available to book via the Box Office at the same price as the coach seats.   Spaces at pitch level in the away end.    Good provision of easy access seating.

Accessible Toilet

Large accessible toilet at the back of the away stand.   

 Bottle tops

When we visited in 2019 stewards were insisting that tops were removed from water bottles before entering the ground.    When asked, an exception was made for fans requiring water for medical reasons.  

Audio Described Match Commentary

No evidence that this is available.

Further details including our 2019 review at https://www.levelplayingfield.org.uk/club/accrington-stanley/

If we can help with any further info about access matters at Accrington, Stadium MK or elsewhere, please contact us at disabilitymkdsa@gmail.com

Jo & Jeff Newall, Disability Officers, MKDSA


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