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MKDSA Update – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

MKDSA Update

14th October 2022

The MKDSA have been in ongoing discussions with the club on the recent updates regarding Lewington’s bar. We have been following up this week again for updates & are now able to comment as follows.

“The MKDSA would like to update our members & supporters around the ongoing dialogue with the club regarding the proposals for Lewington’s bar.”

“We have spoken to the club today around the feedback given by supporters & also asked for an update in where the club are currently, with respects to moving the proposals forward.”

“The response we have had back has been, the club have now submitted the proposals through to the local authority & that after review of the feedback given to the club by the MKDSA Tuesday evening, that a number of these factors have been considered with the submission.”

“In regard to the visual aesthetic to keep with the spirit of our fan bar, this too has been reviewed & will be worked on in conjunction the MKDSA, towards the aim of  keeping with fans views & the sprit of making Lewington’s feel like the fan bar it was set up to be.”

“The MKDSA have highlighted a number of topics that fans have engaged with us on, from seating, aesthetics, heating, disability considerations & a number of other issue raised to us”

“We would like to thank the club for continuing to listen to the feedback raised by us on behalf of our members & all supporters. We look forward to hearing next steps once the local authority has responded to the club & working with them on getting a positive resolution for all, in as timely a way as possible.”

“Our commitment is to make sure supporters voices are heard & we will of course update on developments as we continue to engage with the club through this process.”

“We will follow up with further updates as soon as we have details to share & thank all supporters who have taken the time to share their views with us, so we can continue to push these on your behalf”

Aiden Gray – MKDSA Chairman

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