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MKDSA MINUTES NOVEMBER – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


Below is a brief summary of the latest MKDSA Meeting Minutes.

Minutes of the MKDSA Committee Meeting 

Thursday 11th November 2021
held via Zoom at 7.00pm.


Colin Butler (CB), Derren Burr (DB), Jackie Burr (JB), Roger Clark (RC), Aiden Gray (AG), Adam Jones (AJ), Thomas Lazenby (TL), Jo Newall (JN), John Samuel (JS), Franco Volpe (FV) and Louise Walsh (LW).

Minutes taken by Louise Walsh.


Apologies were received from James Rees and Jeff Newall.


CB opened the meeting at 7.03pm. 


The minutes of the AGM held on 16th August will be reviewed at the next AGM.




The co-option of Roger Clark was proposed by AG and seconded by FV, and Adam Jones was proposed by TL and seconded DB and agreed by all.


We should all be proud of what we have achieved in the past two seasons. We have created organisation, process, and structure where there was none. We have reinstated the membership scheme with a real benefit to members and we have reinvested that money back to the benefit of members. We have created a bar out of virtually nothing and it is our drive alone that continues to push it forward where many had failed in the past and doubted it could be done. We have purchased two TVs, five sofas, and part funded a Soundbar alongside the MK Dons Fans Facebook Group all for the benefit of the members.

We have built and maintained a new website and we have secured signage in the stadium. In addition, we have secured income from other areas selling football cards and programmes, and we have also secured sponsorship of the MKDSA from the CazBar.

We have through social media and other avenues cemented relationships with fans that were previously disillusioned with the MKDSA and its role. No longer is the MKDSA a dirty word, those that questioned what the MKDSA does for the fans are in no doubt now, people now talk positively about the SA and can visibly see we have a role to play. I said when I undertook this role that we must leave a legacy for future MKDSA committees, I believe that we have done that by setting a new benchmark of what can be achieved with effort and organisation, but I also believe we can do more, and we must continue to push the club to provide a better matchday experience for everyone.

We have had many problems and issues of complaint with the club such as we continue to experience reoccurring problems such as tea, coffee and hot chocolate running out before half time and the fluctuating quality of beers and lagers, and these cannot be just blamed on covid as the same problems have been going on for years and long before any of us joined the committee and we will continue to lobby the club to get this right once and for all.


Matters to be raised in AOB.


AG gave an overview of the finances. 

Payment has been made for the web domain.

The MKDSA had recently provided the payment platform to allow supporters of the MK Dons Fans Facebook to donate to the defibrillator fundraiser without incurring the additional charges which would be paid via other fundraising sites, for our part we have absorbed the transaction costs that total at just over £60. A cheque for the money raised, £1084.50, has been given to the club who are purchasing the defibrillator and equipment.

Current balance is £3178.50.

The Square account has had to be changed from a sole trader to a sports organisation following an Annual Review by our payment page providers.


Jo and Jeff Newall have been grateful for the opportunity to join the regular zoom meetings with the Club staff when they have been able to highlight how this season’s ticketing difficulties have impacted on disabled fans. As a result, there is now in place a dedicated phone line for disabled fans to purchase tickets and a dedicated sales desk in the Box Office with seating and a recognition that stewards need to bring people struggling in queues forward. Jo & Jeff have also used these meetings to issue warnings about the likelihood of any difficulties at away grounds we are due to be visiting.

Going forward the big project will be the provision of a quiet room as a step towards the provision of a sensory room at Stadium MK on which we will be working with Club staff.  More news on this to be available hopefully in coming months.

Anyone who has any “accessibility” issues either at Stadium MK or away grounds should be brought to Jo and Jeff’s attention.


JB gave a summary of current membership numbers. As well as membership fees cash income on matchdays has come from the sale of old programmes, £72, and the football cards, £110.

There was a discussion of how the sale of memberships can be promoted and the monthly draw prizes.

The end of season prize this year will be a place in a Club Back box, 5 prizes of 2 persons.


CB proposed holding social nights in Lewington’s which has been agreed in principle by the club. This would only be possible in the colder weather once the proposed partitioning is in place. Quiz and race nights were discussed which, if popular could become regular events. 

CB has been informed by the club that the shirts hanging from the roof at the edge of the bar area will have to come down as they present a risk in the event of a fire to those using the concourse exit route.

A real ale bar has been booked for this coming Saturday.

AG thanked CB for the work he has out into the bar area.


The sensory quiet room has already been raised by JN.

There was a discussion regarding away travel, tickets, and coaches. The committee has previously discussed a travel club.


CB suggested a Christmas hamper on the day raffle in the run up to Christmas. Committee members will donate the items which will make up the hamper.

LW explained that Amy from #HerGameToo, a campaign run by female fans to raise awareness of sexist abuse in the game, had joined a recent SLO meeting and the MKDSA are supporting this campaign. There will be an announcement soon from MK Dons who will also be supporting the campaign.

CLOSE MEETING AND SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.27 pm. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 9th December at 7pm.

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