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THE FLOOR IS YOURS DECLEN O’SHEA – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.


Many thanks to 35 year old Declen O’Shea for this latest edition of “The Floor Is Yours”. With Saturday and Tuesday games now well into March we are trying to get these scheduled on what we call “down days” namely Wednesday and Sunday. So if you have sent in some answers to our questions they are the days to look out for.

Over to you Declen, and we really appreciate your kind comments at the end of your article, we do try.

Tell us a little bit about how you became a Dons fan and what was your first game? 

My first game was a comp ticket from my wife’s work, Brentford at home in 2012. I think we lost if I recall but I was hooked. I signed up for my first season ticket very shortly after.

What were your expectations for us pre-season, and have you changed your mind on what you have seen so far? 

My pre-season expectations were avoiding relegation. I never felt we would do much more than that, this season. Seeing the transition start to pay dividends is really encouraging so who knows where we end up, the playoffs are not impossible.

Which Dons player, or players have really impressed you so far this season? 

When we signed Scott Fraser, I rushed to sponsor him as I had heard good things, ( I was beaten to it by the MK Dons Fans Facebook group so sponsored his kits instead.) But he is far, far better than I had expected. 

Jerome has been excellent for us and looks like he has a couple of good years in him still.

Best and worst performances so far this season? 

Worst- Northampton. How we won that, I do not know. 

Best- Hull away I thought we looked so composed and in control against a really good side.

What is your favourite Dons moment or moments? 

Crikey, the first game against AFC, Man Utd, Yeovil on the last day to go up. All had absolutely amazing atmospheres. Those kind of games give me a lump in the throat and goose bumps I love it.

Who is your all-time favourite player and why? 

I’m going to say Bowditch. Just an out and out good guy, loyal, played in several positions because we needed it and now doing amazing work for the SET. It’s just something I really respect.

Who is the best striker to have ever pulled the Dons shirt on, and why? 

I’m going to say Patrick Bamford, just because of what he has gone on to achieve. Still has a huge future ahead of him too.

Who is a good tip for promotion and relegation in League 1? 

Don’t care about promotion. Just really want the deluded lot to go down.

Fisher or Nicholls? 

Depends on how we play. Fisher absolutely fits this style of play. But Nicholls is an unbelievable shot stopper. Given how well our current set up works, Fisher has to take it.

Home games, or away games? 

Only been to one away game, Stevenage away on last day of the season a few years back. Banging atmosphere. Home but only because that’s mainly when I go.

All fans love a good awayday, are there any grounds you look forward to visiting again, or perhaps one on your bucket list? 

All of them. When my kids grow up and my business lets me have more time, I can’t wait to hit the road as much as possible.

Where do you think MK Dons will finish up this season? 


White shirt, red shirt, or black shirt? 


Your preferred matchday grub? 

Hmmm I mean, I loved the hot dogs. But where I sit now, it’s 3 courses, always different menu and largely always good. I don’t mind that 😉

Any other comments? 

There are some proper whoppers that “support” the Dons. I hope we don’t hear any more of this Russell out nonsense. We have a bright future if we get some good years with him. We are a league 1 team, nothing more at this point. So let’s enjoy it. 

Also you guys are brilliant, such a difference with you guys involved in the MKDSA and its great to see. And you have always been great to me.  Stay safe! Can’t wait to get back to watching our Dons!

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