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TRASH TALK – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.



Since day one of this website one of the most popular features is our weekly helping of TRASH TALK, it provides some light relief, a bit of inter club banter in the build up to our impending fixture, but more importantly it shows us what life is like on the other side of the fence, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but at least it puts things into prospective, none more so when we get to hear of other club’s compensation policies towards season ticket holders, I have to say compared to some clubs we haven’t been dealt that bad a hand.

When we first started this weekly feature, a few people asked us if they were genuine, and I can say hand on heart they are 100% genuine, yes even that infamous AFC one. They have been sourced by two of our intrepid reporters Tom & Jon, and they sometimes have to go to great lengths to get oppo fans to take us up on the offer and tell us about their team.

We rely on all the information given to us by opposition fans to be 100% accurate, and we are not going to start fact checking everything that is sent to us. So, we think it’s pretty poor when we get a club bickering the information, we published is incorrect, especially when it came from their own supporter’s club and the person complaining was copied into the questions we sent, and the responses given.

We would also like to make it clear we do not edit or change the content of any interview, we merely as any editor would do is check for punctuation, spelling, and grammar so you the fans can read it easily.

I now find myself in the position where I think it would be a good idea to write a disclaimer, so for all future publications I would like to advise that the MKDSA accepts no responsibility for the content of TRASH TALK, that lies firmly with the provider,and if challenged we will happily provide email evidence to any complainants.

Can I reassure you TRASH TALK will be back for our next game versus Burnley in the FA Cup, and for the rest of the season.

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