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Minutes of the MKDSA Meeting – 12th February 2020 held in the Stadium MK Boardroom at 6.45pm – MKDSA – Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association.

Minutes of the MKDSA Meeting – 12th February 2020 held in the Stadium MK Boardroom at 6.45pm


Colin Butler (CB), Steve Gifford (SG), Derren Burr (DB), Aiden Gray (AG), Russell Forgham
(RF), Rex Burton (RB), Harry Walsh (HW), Louise Walsh (LW).

Minutes taken by Louise Walsh.

CB opened the meeting at 6.43pm.
Apologies were received from Mike Killeen.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th January 2020 were reviewed and agreed.

Proposed by RF and seconded by RB.

There were no matters arising.

To conform with the constitution the MKDSA meeting minutes published on the website will state that they are a draft until amended when approved, this was proposed by CB and
agreed by all.

CB stated that he felt that following some significant changes the new committee is working well together.

LW shared an email from Mike Killeen, with his consent, who apologised for his absence and explained that he has been unwell. The committee wished him well, thanked him for his contribution and will continue to keep him appraised in his absence from meetings.

AG stated that the Metro account has been opened and should be fully active this week.
Previous committee members Carolyn Green and Adam Faiers will be contacted to obtain a balance statement from the old account and to arrange the transfer of funds.

There is currently £24 held in petty cash.
Outstanding invoices:
£45.40 to CB for racking and a key.
£65.99 to LW for replacement drumheads.

There is a rumour circulating that the forthcoming fixture away to AFC Wimbledon will be a 12-00 kick-off and bubbled. CB has contacted Andy Cullen who stated that nothing official has been decided yet and the meeting regarding this fixture will still go ahead. Following a discussion, it was agreed that the MKDSA stance should be for a reciprocal bubble arrangement for visiting fans for any reverse fixture at Stadium MK. Proposed by CB, seconded by DB and unanimously agreed by the committee.

The committee is concerned and frustrated that there are actions raised with the club that remain outstanding whilst we are doing all we possibly can on a voluntary basis.

A survey was conducted on social media with supporters to establish what their concerns they had with facilities at the club and whether issues previously raised had improved. DB has collated the information from the survey which will be passed to the club.
Some of the issues raised included inexperienced bar staff, traffic control as the car parks clear, slow service at concessions & lack of lids for hot drinks.
The addition of Papa John’s Pizza on the concourse has been well received.
It was a surprise that prices vary in the Cowshed & Red Dot bars as does the price of confectionary in Club Red and the concourse concessions.

RB stated that the old TV studio has been converted into a hotel family room, but he continues to liaise with the club regarding the proposed sensory room.

There has been no update from Andy Standen regarding the meeting to discuss the proposed Ability Counts Association.
Tours for disabled customers, prior to Ability Counts Day, are likely to be held on 30th or 31st March from 4 to 6pm. Volunteers from the committee will assist the SET.

RB informed the committee that 66 disabled fans will see the cost of their season tickets increase in 2020-2021 after the subsidy ends. Age related pricing will be charged which is what is recommended by the EFL and Level Playing Field on its visit to the club in2017. Most other clubs in the EFL and Premier League also have age related pricing which is considered
equal and fair.

DB reported that engagement continues to increase. The media survey has been covered above.

CB met with Sue Dawson this week regarding the MKDSA’s storage cupboard as the SET needs storage space. The MKDSA programme archive, which increases each season, needs to stay within the stadium and the cupboard will remain for such use unless another can be identified.

A Fanzone is being proposed for the last 5 home games of the season which will be located on level 3 where the Young Dons Zone may also be relocated. Some committee members have been invited to view the area.

MK Dons were due to play Bury FC at home this weekend. A message of support will be sent via social media to Bury supporters.

DB had shared a post on social media regarding Rochdale’s travel club which he will share with Oona Carmichael.

The new guide to Stadium MK for away supporters has been uploaded to the MKDSA website. DB & AG will share on social media.

The MKDSA football team has a new kit which was purchased by the players making individual contributions. They are playing Watford at home this coming Saturday morning and are away to Northampton next weekend. The team is currently 14th in the table. SG explained how the league system worked.

LW will forward Andy Cullen’s response regarding the proposed fundraiser to SG so that they can liaise. The SET has also requested to use the pitch and availability will be limited.
John Goodman, Academy Manager, will be invited to the next meeting via Andy Cullen who had mentioned this at a previous meeting. Russell Martin had previously been written to by the MKDSA, he had offered any help or assistance he could, CB was to contact to RM and ask him if there was any value in him attending a committee meeting in the near future.

Supporters using the official coach travel to the Lincoln City match last night were faced with a longer walk to the ground as the previous route is now private land. Some fans with limited mobility were escorted through the area by stewards/SLOs with the remainder walking the longer route where they had to negotiate an unlit alley. Post-match, having checked that passengers had left the ground, we appeared to be the last to return to the
coach. Once the coach marshal had completed a head count it was clear that a senior passenger was missing. Fortunately, he had a mobile phone and following a search on foot, with the assistance of google maps, he was located and escorted back to the coach which would not come to our location to collect us. The coach eventually departed an hour later than anticipated.

LW will contact Lincoln City to express our concern about the situation. The coach marshals will liaise with the MK Dons box office regarding the coach issue.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th March at 6.45pm in the Boardroom at

Signed on this day as a true record …………………………………

Chairman ……………………………………………………Colin Butler

Secretary……………………………………………………Louise Walsh

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